28 Days of Connection....
This offering was originally created in March of 2020, at the beginning of the pandemic. A lot of people around the world were suddenly housebound for weeks. Jon Young in the US and Michi Burger in Switzerland got together to create this offer as a help for people reaching out. Jon was in the middle of his 512 Map and Living Connection 1st research and realized the raw materials for the 28 Days of Connection were already on the table...
28 Days of Connection Offering
Sequential connection activities based on the 512 Map & the Natural Mind Journey now on Living Connection 1st Village.
Welcome to the Journey
Michi & Jon share inspiration creating the 28 Days of Connection based on the 512 Map & the Natural Mind Journey.
2Orientation 1
The story for today is all about the current challenges of our times with social distancing and shelter at home.
1Orientation 2
Here we share about supporting connection in a group.
1Day 1
Awakening the senses as a foundation for all the days ahead using a practice called a sense meditation.
2Day 2
Well-being & connection are interrelated "meeting" in our nervous system. Routine practice of sit spot supports.
1Day 3
The element of the day is gratitude, an incredibly helpful way of supporting connection.
1Day 4
Using our body to relive stories is a powerful way to engage with connection. Today we will look at imitation.
1Day 5
What are the fun things around you where you live that are exciting to visit, collect or watch?
1Day 6
Sharing the story of the day in a full way is super fun and completely helpful to connection!
1Day 7
Practices & Games to build awareness through the visual senses.
1Day 8
Sharing Awareness. Discovering a mystery that sparks curiosity brings energy back to others.
1Day 9
Sharing Motivation. Exploring a new place, finding mysteries, expanding connection. Share the story with others.
1Day 10
Listening with the Eyes. Practice studying with our eyes while engaging our full range of listening.
1Day 11
Track & Sign. What being(s) leave the most common sign or tracks in your area? Find & identify a clear set of tracks.
1Day 12
Art of Questioning. The who, what, when, where, why and how of any tracks or anything you look at in nature.
1Day 13
Awakening the Tactile Sense. Using your sense of touch to find and recognize things and to feel the quality of things
1Day 14
Meeting Plants. Get to know an unknown, low-growing plant through the sense of touch. Name it according to your sense.
1Day 15
Tending Your Sit Spot. At your sit spot, get to know it with only a sense of touch. Ask what to do to help the place.
1Day 16
Olfactory Awakening.
1Day 17
1Day 18
Weaving Connection. Finding our inner voice and gift, sharing with others--weaves larger story
1Day 19
Inner Tracking. A sense within each of us that is attuned to subtle communications from the world around and within us.
1Day 20
Heritage Species. Tuning into and connecting with certain species and land features brings us in touch with heritage.
1Day 21
Beyond Road Dust. How are the challenges of our times blocking access to our own creativity and resilience?
1Day 22
Taste & Body Wisdom. Our sense of taste has an ancient purpose tied to our bodies in amazing ways.
1Day 23
Woody Plants. Trees, bushes and woody vines, all provide a fiber called lignin that weaves together amazingly in wood.
1Day 24
Connection to Place. Weaving all senses and relations together through stories & memories deepens connection to place.
1Day 25
The Storyteller's Mind. A powerful practice for sensory integration and connection based on full sensory memory.
2Day 26
Bird Language. Birds can help us with Connection First by giving us constant feedback in our own yards.
1Day 27
Intuitive Connection. Through integrated senses and relational bonding we develop an intuitive sense with those close.
1Day 28
Wrapping the Bundle. Looking back over our journey, and looking inside of ourselves we weave a collective story.
- Day 1I did the sense meditation in a nice place in nature. It did not last long and I felt quickly much more at peace. I then resumed my walk and at one point, for no reason, I stopped walking, bent to the ground and picked a four leaf clover. A little further, I heard a woodpecker and looked up the tree, knowing I had little chance to see the bird. But there it was! It made my day, really :-) So thank you Jon!Like
- Day 28Welcome to the Daily Podcast 28 Days Connection First Journey Day 28, Wrapping the Bundle Dear beloved Friends, It's a wonderful, beautiful day here in Switzerland, as it has been the last 28 Days. We only had a couple of days with rain. We are very excited about today's Zoom Celebration. Yippee! Smiling, very much. We are wrapping the bundle with you today. We have many Questions for you which can help you to see where we have been and that we can weave together to make a “bundle” to go forward in our lives. You can use these questions to wrap the bundle of these 28 Days Connection First Journey for you and your family, your friends and communities. May you find many golden nuggets for yourself in it. What was your intention in the beginning? Thinking about what your intention was. Lets celebrate that we made it all the way and shake it off. We hope you are going to deepen the connection, Build relationships, With others, Nature, Olders and babies… Thanks for doing this. Make a list with answers: How has my sense of sight changed during the last 28 days? How has my sense of imitation changed? How has my hearing changed, especially when used with eyes? How have my tactile senses changed? The feeling on your skin all over your body? How has my sense of smell changed? How has my connection to my inner sense changed? Does it speak to you more or less? How is your connection to your sense of taste changed? How does it work for you when all the senses come together through the Storyteller’s Mind? Were you able to strengthen your storytelling muscle in the last 28 Days? How did this journey help me? How did this journey help me to help others? These are all wrapping the Bundle Questions. E: What new animals or plants have you learned about? What are things to look out for? SE: What are motivating things to visit, to have adventures by and are just fun? S: What sign or tracks from mammals did you discover? SW: What are the low growing plants that came to your attention? W: What were the indicator species that got you thinking about how they all link together? NW: What were the heritage species that reminded you about the folks that thought of you? N: Which woody plants did you get to know? NE: What did relating the birds and bird language bring to you? Generally: Where have you deepend or started a connection? Have any threads become strings, have strings become cords, cords become ropes, with any of your relationships? What did you all learn from that? How is this helping you? How is this helping you to help others? In the whole journey what did you find challenging? What did you find easy and exciting? Where do you want to go from here? How do you want to integrate these patterns in your life from now? What can you do to continue this? If you feel called, can you offer this to someone else and share the Connection First journey in some way with them? Thank you for being part of the 28 Days of the Connection First journey. Gratitude for all the people and elements that helped us create this Podcast. Gratitude from Michi: Gratitude for Julia that helped and held me in these days. Gratitude to my parents Alicja and Thomas who kept engurage me. Much gratitude for everyone that left us comments and gave feedback so that we were able to grow and be. Gratitude from Jon: Gratitude for all the people who went on this journey, and those who shared their stories with me! So enriching. Thank you to my family and friends, colleagues, Elders and Ancestors who helped this come to be. Gratitude to Michi for all he has done everyday! And to Arne and the Wood Runner Band People (Waldläuferbande) of the German-speaking network. Thank you to Sarah for helping me with the audio design, that was so fun! Link to Forum: https://www.jonyoung.online/forum/day-28/day-28-wrapping-the-bundle Link to Jon’s 512 Project: http://512project.com/ May you have a blessed time. With love, Michi and JonLike
- Day 27Welcome to the Daily Podcast 28 Days Connection First Journey Day 27, Intuitive Connection Dear Friends, Today I had a good check-in with my dear friend Arne, with whom I created the Connection First podcast in German. I was all tensed up about being late and plenty of things on the list that still want to happen today. So I start our check-in, sharing my gratitude and letting pieces of my day flow into the check-in and how it all feels very tense to me today. Then we switched and it was Arne’s turn to share. He shares in a calm, relaxed, and soft manner, and with a loving voice about his gratitude on his day that passed. Sensing my own tenseness, and listening deeply to Arne with my ears and my sense of connection, I began relaxing and softening. I felt like a different person by just listening to him. Jon told me on our call today, that this kind of connection flow works with anything we have strong bonds (or “ropes of connection”) with. Perhaps then the feelings can flow in both directions. Perhaps when we connect with a tree, the tree is “feeling us” in the way a tree does? What does connection do for you? Some questions for you to think about and take out to your Sit Spot. What brings out the most connection for you? Are you getting any intuitive communication from those people or beings you are in connection with most? Are you getting any intuitive connection with the animals or wild beings in your life? Share with your partners. Link to the Forum: https://www.jonyoung.online/forum/day-27/day-27-intuitive-connection We are looking forward to meeting you on Saturday, April 18th, Zoom Celebration live recording of Day 28, Wrapping the Bundle. Here is the link to the Invitation: https://www.jonyoung.online/forum/zoom-celebration-invite/day-28-zoom-celebration-invite Thank you for listening into all the days and till tomorrow. Have a wonderful day. Michi and JonLike