Welcome to the Daily Podcast
28 Days Connection First Journey
Day 21, Beyond Road Dust
Greetings my dear Friends,
Today I spent quite a bit of time in a very “chill” space, slept in, had a coffee in the sun, did a little grocery shopping and had a couple of pancakes for late breakfast. The afternoon was chilled too but somehow something was not quite right during the whole time. Even though everything on the outside was pointing to super chilling mode, inside me I felt an unease.
With my partner and I went on a stroll through the woods and we talked about what is on our minds and hearts. They were little and big thoughts about the future, we both got them out of ourselves, into the air. Pressure release.
On the way back we came by a few blooming trees, walnut, beech, and birch. We collected the birch pollen stocks and took them home for dinner.
We made a lovely dinner which has been a super fine and delicious creation. Birch stocks smothered in butter I have never made before but it felt like my creativity was free to flow after airing the tension.
Todays check in:
Write down on Paper the limiting factors in your life.
Burn or bury it.
Go to your sit spot.
Do your Sense meditation. Feel the earth beneath you.
Offer out loud or silently in your mind to the earth:
How can nature help me now? How can I help others and nature in return?
Listen to what comes to you.
Let your feelings drain into the ground.
Journal about your experience.
Share with someone you trust.
Journal Questions:
Were you able to hear a calling?
How did it speak to you?
Are you recognising patterns in things that show themselves to you?
Do you feel the difference between push and pull?
Link to the Forum:
May you be blessed to find the way to your creativity.
With love,
Michi and Jon
Blooming beech tree, Immensee, Switzerland, Easter 2020