Welcome to the Daily Podcast
28 Days Connection First Journey
Day 2
Well-being & connection are interrelated "meeting" in our nervous system. Routine practice of sit spot supports.
Good day dear friends,
Noticing my fingers are still slightly stiff from my wander outside just now in the cold in Switzerland as I’m typing here. Gratitude for my body, arms, hands and my fingers. What a wonderful creation they are, and what all they can create.
After a fine morning with a healthy breakfast I wanted to write this text, but I could not concentrate and was completely absent-minded. So off to the outside. I packed up well, and planned to visit my nature spot.
“Let me take the longer way to get my blood heated up,”
I thought this because it is really cool here today.
One discovery followed the other and I was well on the other side of the hill where I live. The ruffled feelings, however, were still in me. So it was time to slowly head back home with a short stop at the sit spot. Once there, I did the sense meditation for myself. Felt the clothes on my body, smelled the scents from the kitchens of the nearby houses, listened to the birds and the wind in the trees, tasted my dry mouth and opened my eyes gently and wide and let myself be calm to receive... Then I felt my clutter and just acknowledged it. After a few moments, maybe 20 seconds, the feelings changed and turned into a relaxed and cozy atmosphere within me.
I could only thank myself for giving me this moment.
Welcome Michi to this wonderful Earth.
Now I have arrived--I am here.
This is what happened to me today and it reminded me again, just how much this Sit Spot has supported me in my life.
Back home, at lunch, I told my partner how my outing was and she asked me a couple of questions (Story of the Day).
The feeling that stayed with me after the experience was “well grounded” and ready for the rest of the upcoming day.
If you want to share with someone. Start with asking a person how their day was.
Questions for your Journal/Notebook:
What happened on your way to find your sit spot?
How long did it take you?
Can you describe the path that led you there?
Did you remember all the senses?
What was your highlight?
Looking forward to hearing from you in the Forum: https://www.jonyoung.online/forum/day-2
May your day be blessed with playful time.
Jon and Michi
I've been displaced from my regular sit spot next to the creek with Junko nest within sight. So bummed that I won't see the babies emerge from the nest and, hopefully, fledge. But the birds are beckoning here in my new home. Where are the Junkos nesting here? What is the crazy drama that is unfolding with the crows nesting above the porch? And I found where the Jays are nesting in the front hedge. Will the crows find it too? How will the Jays react? Spring is so exciting!!!