Welcome to the Daily Podcast
28 Days Connection First Journey
Day 19, Inner Tracking
Guten Tag meine Lieben Freunde,
There are fine nuances of the sense we want to get to know today.
When I consciously perceived another person for the first time, felt their perception in me, I was really very surprised that there was such a thing. Many people say sayings like, I know how you feel, I feel you, this had no deeper meaning to me up to this point.
We stood in the kitchen and I asked,
“How are you?'' He said with a damp voice,
“Oh, not so good. I have pain in my stomach."
At that moment, what he felt passed through me. I looked at my stomach, looked at him and he looked at me with big eyes.
"Can you feel it too?"
"YES !, Ahhhh, that really hurts!" And then I immediately let go of this feeling again.
Have you ever felt something like that?
For today's exercise:
Visit your Sit Spot.
Do a sense Meditation, go through to activate them all and feel into your body.
Ask yourself the questions:
While touching a tree, “How do I feel in my body when I touch this tree? How does it feel to be a tree in my body?”
How did the feeling change when I touched the earth?
Check in with the birds and the natural things surrounding you, and feel how you feel when connecting with them.
Journal about what you experienced
Share with your partners about what you noticed with your senses and especially about what you felt.
Journal Questions:
With whom all did you check in with?
Were you able to feel a difference in your body while meeting the different subjects?
Did you notice it in a certain area or all over in your body?
Has this been new to you, are you aware of it? or, Are you even using this sense already?
How strongly has this sense influenced your life so far?
Link to Forum:
Enjoy this wonderful day and much gratitude for it.
Michi und Jon