Welcome to the Daily Podcast
28 Days Connection First Journey
Day 12, Art of Questioning
Dear friends from the whole wide world,
I love to ask passing people questions. While out and about, I ask the passing person out of the blue if he knows anything about this flower that is growing next to us. Most of the people look at me in confusion and say: "This is the dandelion". And right away tell me a story about who, what, when, where or how they got to know the dandelion. What often happens then is that they ask me a question about it. And that's what gives me so much pleasure, because every question will raise my awareness.
With strangers or with best friends to explore, an opening blossom, a decaying tree or ... to observe something in nature and to exchange ideas about it is simply beautiful, fun and connecting.
Nature exercise:
Find a Track.
Make a Map where you found it. Look at it from far above.
What else makes a similar track?
Share the story with someone, imitate how the tracks were made, with your body.
The deepening questions:
Journal Questions:
Which of these questions was easy to answer?
Which one offered you a challenge?
Did you try to imitate the track with clapping, or playing your hands on your legs?
How did you feel when you imitated the animal walking there?
Have fun making music ;-)
Leave us a message or a Photo of your drawing:
May your day be blessed with ease.
Michi und Jon